Friday, May 1, 2009

romero 3rd period exam.

on the line questions.
1. what animal does lennie repeatedly say he wants to tend the most when him and george get their own barn?
A. puppy B. kat C. snakes D. rabbits

2. who said "dont really seem to be running though, you never outta drink water when it aint running lennie"
A. curly's wife B. boss C. george D. lennie

between the line questions

1. what do think the is the overall theme portrayed the most in "of mice and men"
i think lonelyness was the overall theme portrayed the most in this book. reasons why i say this are because mainly every main character showed a since of lonelyness. for example curly's wife, never had anyone to actually talk to. her husband would always ignore her feelings. Crook, he lived in the ranch by him self, and even complained about not really having no one to talk either. and lennie,even though he had george and george had him. at times lennie couldnt really communicate with george with out him getting a attitude or throwing fit,which i think might have caused lennie to feel alone a times.

(characters) would you describe crooks character?

when i think of crook i see the only black man living on that ranch. i understand how he couldve have felt with out having anyone to talk too. he wasnt even allowed in the white men's house. crook must have felt vulnerable from no one caring about him, or him havin anyone to care about for that matter.

1.does george and lennie remind you of any other two people you may know with a friendship like there's.

george and lennie remind me of my two lilttle cousins in a way. neither one has a illness,but one is 12 and the other is 9. like lennie listens to george, the youngest one litens to the oldest.
just like lennie gets sad because george is yelling, the youngest one comes crying because his feelings is hurt. even though they are younger kids my two little cousins favor george and lennie a lot.

what is one word you would use to describe the ranch and why?
I would say the ranch was a odd place.
reasons why i saw this is because every seemed like they had there own personal problems, and they all came out while reading farther into he book. the book wouldn't make any since with out ranch not being a main setting. there were three deaths at the ranch, which all happend in a short period of time and that seemed pretty odd to me.

beyond the line questions.

1.what kind of symbol does curly wife portray in of mice and men.

when i read about curly wife i saw a misunderstood women who came across a lot of words, like whore,hoe and other bad names,since she had no actual name given in the book but curly's wife.
while all the naming was going no one actually knew her, or about her for that matter until a moments before she died.
To me i saw her as all the lonely women back then stuck in a position like hers. in the 1900's women were not allowed to vote, many people portrayed us as weak and worthless,making it seem like our only job was to take care of the house.
so curly's wife being the only women on the ranch didn't have a lot of say in anything that went on there.
Now in 2009, since a women has ran for president and almost won it proved the theory that most men still want to be true,that women is worthless not powerful at all.
Curly's husband treats her as if she is a kid,always wanting to know where she is who she's talking and where she's going. I honestly don't know if he married her because he was lonely his self or if he really liked her.
later on in the book curly had explained her life and mentioned that she didnt really like him at all and it was all a mistake.
I think her death was the best thing that couldve happend to her in the book. now she could be at peace. instead of living that misserable life back at the ranch where no one treated her the respect that she deserved.
Maybe the author didnt give curly's wife a name because he knew her time in the book would be short.

what conflict would you compare to all the deaths in "of mice and men"

i would compare every last death that happend in of mice and men to "man vs society".
man vs society, was a good choice because of how the deaths occured and why they occured.
the dog,that curly's wife owned at the beginning of the book, was getting old and couldn't live much longer they said, even though it was a animal she still died because she didnt have anymore strength to live in the society and produce more puppies.
curly's wife died in a strange unhappy way. if she were never in that farm "bored" talking to lennie because her husband didn't have time for her,i think she would have never died in the arms of lennie.
that is the best example of man vs society, because she was bored and unhappy in the society she was living in.unhappy because she was married to man whom she didnt even like...anymore.
bored because at that time there was nothing around to do,nobody for her talk to or any women to be friends with.all she had was her self.
lennie death was simply because he couldn't go up against society by his self. being that he had a dissorder only made things worse,because he couldn't do anything on his own except for what he new,and that was working on the ranch . other than that george kept lennie alive is what i think,he knew lennie couldnt find for his self.when george realized that he couldn't take care of lennie no more he felt that he had to take his life.

Friday, March 20, 2009

civil war essay

shakeerh johnson
Period 2

Civil war

The civl war was one of the most bloodiest conflicts Americas ever fought in. it created especially brudall conditions for everyone. Tension between the nrth and the south played a mojor part on the war. Being as though the north was against slavery and the south was for slavery,it made the situation much worse.

Soldiers had it rough during the civil war. Around three million men fought in the war. Sldiers were leaving there friends and family for up to four years being as though they were gone for a ong period of itime, many of them wrote letters back home. One thing I noticed while reading some documents these soldiers wrote were there grammer.
Many of the words were spelled wrong which made it harder to understand.

sometimes the soldiers werent always in a battle,and they actually had a lot free time. soldiers had to find ways to stay occupied on camp. reading kept a lot of soldiers busy, for instance many soldiers were interested in the newspapers from there home town to keep up with the current events they were missing out on in the battle. as stated above letters became a common activity for the soldiers, to keep there loved ones informed of there happenings. cards and fishing played a big part in most of there free time. when soldiers were feeling down in out sometimes songs were the only things that could lift up there spirits.
patrioctic were a big hit, "the battle cry of freedom". they also made songs up there self. mainly the songs they made were about camp life and the problems of war.

At that time period medicare for the soldiers wasn’t so great. Being as though there wasn’t enough information on health care man nurses failed to give the proper attention to many wunded soldiers.
a common source nurses and doctors would use is a bone saw. the bone saw was used to cut off parts of the body that had been shatterd by musket balls. when a bone saw was used there wasnt always anesthsia. legs, arms and feet would be piled up outside infront of the medical camps. Even though these females posed as nurses some were actually not. sojourner truth and harriet tubman served as union nurses as well. Many of the women who helped care for the sick men were jus regular housewife women. Some of these nurses were kind enough to turn there homes into shelters over the course of the war.

As the war went on more advanced weapons were created. For instance the rifled musket, was a gun was that is most powerful with speed and distance.out old tatics that soldiers used were no longer useful. before the invention of the new weapons, during a battle soldiers would all huddle up,instead of spreading out away from each other. this paln worked well when guns were less acurate and didnt have as much speed. the huddling stratdegy caused a lot more bloody bodies,that were left among the dusty grounds. many of the battles took place in the woods where it was hard to spot there target.
one union soldier described the civil war,"the screaming and bursting of shells...the death screams of wouned animals the groans of thier humans companions,wounded and dying and trampled underfoot by horrifying battles,riderless horses and the moving lines of battle...a peferct hell on earth". while reading the last comment that he stated "hell on earth" made me feel as though we would never understand how rough life was for the soldiers.
diseases and infections had spread all over. None of the nurses knew how to treat any of these problems so the soldiers sat around catching each others germs.

Even after the emancimation proclimation racism was still in full effect in he south. African American soldiers dealt with this problem even during the civil war. Many people thought that African Americans was not fit to fight in a war, but in 1862 there was and African American recruitment allowing them to serve in the civil war. about 186,000 african american served in the union army and another 10,000 in the navy.
the black unit, 54th massachusetes fought in a battle, and many of them died, but white soldiers started to relize that the african americans were just as good as them and brave too. fredrick douglass stated that "colored men were good enough to fight under washington, but they are not good enough to fight under [general gorage] mcclellan." gorage mcclellan was cammander in chief of the union army. his plan was to invade virginia and seize richmond and many other cities in the south. mcclellan did not want the union to interfer with slavery

even though the african americans soldiers fought so well,they still werent treated equally. there assignments werent as important its was kind of like they still werent taking as seriously. for instance some black soldiers would have to digg ditches while whites would train for there next battle. also, many of the weapons that black soldiers receieved were not as good, meaning that they had a higher of chance of dying before many white soldiers did. even worst, free black soldiers from the north would usally get caught,but instead of the being locked up like whites were, the would be sent back to a plantation or killed.
african american soldiers werent paid as much either. many of these situations lead to even bigger problems.

as many as four hundred women disguised themselves as men and enlisted in the union and confederate armies. at this time women werent even allowed to become soldiers so by them making a disgues put them in great danger. if a women happend to become ill or get badly hurt they could never vist the doctor or nurse for that matter because it would reveal there identity.women were exspected to take care of home while the men were gone or take care of the men.

in 1860,abraham lincoln was elected president. one law that he inforced that cause a lot of people to become upset was called, military draft. this law came about because many men did want to fight in the civil war. this law basically meant you had to fight in the war with out a choice,sometimes. men who drafted had to be white, between the ages 20 to 45. however this law effected poor men the most. with a fine of three hundred dollars would allow one man to buy his way out of being drafted, our he could hire a replacment who meant all the requirements.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is constitution high school really balancing sports and education or does education way more than everything.?

At his locker getting his uniform, knowing in the back of his mind that he’ll be running late to practice again….”never fails” stated sophomore dominque Gibson.

At constitution high school sports are very popular. We have a girls and boys basketball team, volley ball, foot ball and soccer. Sports are offered to every grade in constitution high. Our only problem is the fact that we combine girls basketball, volleyball and football with two other schools. We are combined with Bodine for girls basketball and volley ball , and ben franklin is mixed in with our football team. Being as though we have no where to practice these types of sports in the building our players has to constantly travel far jus to get to practice after school.

Bodine lets out of school at 2:45 and ben franklin 3:30, constitution lets out at 3:25. “I play football and since there is a long distance in between the two of the schools, I wind up late most of the time for practice.” Said dominque Gibson.
Malik cooper said, “most of the time im to tired from all the travling, that I usally forget about my homework.” Mr.romero,10th grade english teacher followed by saying, “ as long as the student knows there responsibilities I don’t have a problem with any student playing sports.”

So will constitution ever become helpful with the way sports are done, or will students continue to be worn out and exhausted.
….”your late again gibson.! Give me five laps around the gym”

Thursday, February 12, 2009

SUMMERTIME. 3aRomero posted(FEB.24)

I've been in the "summertime" of my life for quite sometime now. At age sixteen some people may find that hard to believe that I'm actually mature,but i have meet many kids younger than me who act the same also. The best definition i could give for "summertime" would be, just living your live,still active,playful but knowing how to control yourself.

Not being Goofy is a huge sign for me being in summertime.Meaning that I know when to be serious. For instance controlling my laughter,when it needs to be controlled, staying calm cool and collected. I think that its only certin times and places when you should run around. Play and joke.Then there's times when i need to set good examples. I know many teenagers my age who haven't matured get "Mainly boys". I came to this conclusion from a recent altercation. One day while on the bud there were about 6 or 7 Teenagers and some were yelling, cursing and jumping around basically acting like fools being as though there were elder people on the bus and younger kids made it even worse. Disrespectful was what they were being towards everyone on the bus. Many people my age are still in the spring time of there life

Another trait i think I have is Responsibility. Being responsible means i do what I have to,I've understood that it's not always what I want sometimes. When there is work to be done I stay on task, letting nothing distract me because I know its up to me to get what have to done and not rely on anyone for anything . One of my biggest Responsibilities would have to be watching my little sister. She makes my job harder because everything i do or say makes a huge influence on her. Just a couple of days ago i was on the phone and i use the phrase "chill out young" not knowing that she was listening. But soon finding out later. I heard her use it while talking to our little cousin who is much younger. The whole situation made me laugh but at the same time that's when I noticed I had to watch what i say. While reading marigold, I think Ms. Lottie showed a lot of responsibility as a character. She had to take care of her marigolds, by watering them,make sure they were growing right and keeping them up.

if i would say so myself, My conscience has gotten stronger as I've gotten older. I find myself really sitting down thinking hard of every possible out come for any situation. My conscience is that first thing I listen t before I ask anyone for advice. Lizabeth developed her conscience at a young age,but her brother still hasn't.

Unpacking my suite cases,throwing all my clothes in the dresser because I'm about to enjoy my summer vacation. I recommend that everyone gets here quick and in a hurry!.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


If i could define the word women in one word i would say extraordinary.
Everyone should take the time out to relize how special "we" really are. when i came across this poem i had to read it. Even though there was somethings about it i didnt really like i got over it,because it was such a interesting poem.

While reading this poem i could connect to it very well, the title,"Women"written by Alice Walker. Being as though i am a women i became attracted to it even more. I think this poem focused on strong women mainly. A reason why i came to this conclusion is because walker quoted "husky of voice and stout of step." After reading this i instantly thought of my grandmother, because she was a strong women who never relied on anyone.

Secondly i didnt really like how random the poem became once i started reading. The poet would jump from one thing to another, not going in any specific order. While i read on i noticed that it didnt ryhme at all. Many of the quotes made since when i looked at them in a different perspective. for example "how they batterd down doors". As soon as i read "batterd" i thought of batter you use to cook food, and since doors was added i thought of strong,because a door can be heavy. So actually two messages came from that one quote.

One thing i really loved abut the poem,is how many images popped up while i read. many of the images showed what women are capable of and some were more imaginary, for instance. "How they lead armies head dragged generals". This showed that not only are women strong in a way but that we can accomplish many things.

never uderestimate us because without women there would be no you.

Monday, January 26, 2009

my reflection on NHD

Looking back on nhd, i would say that it was and interesting project.
when i started i chose madam cj walker,i did my research paper and annotated biblography.
i chosed to do a paper also,but soon i noticed that there was no info. that i could really use about her,except for photos being my primary source.
after i noticed that i couldnt use madam cj walker i started to get frustrated.
i knew that i didnt have time to start over and basically i was out of luck.

one day while everyone were in workshops,cornelius fatima an i decided to work together.
our choice was a website,and the individual we picked was andy warhol.
we choosed him because it was interesting and we could find out much information about him.
even though we started our work late,we found out that we wernt that behind.
working towards the end,i think things started to get hectic.
we didnt know that much about a website and nethier did most our teachers,yet we still accomplished our work.

the day we presented our project to the too judges i was confident that we would win.

Friday, December 19, 2008

more annotated notes

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this document gives me more information and i think it could help a lot with my conclusion.